Chenin Blanc has a really great history in my own story with how I came to love white wine.

And on that day, of course, we sampled white wine. I knew we would and so I tried to go in with an open mind. What I did not expect was to leave that day only to end up at the little wine shop by my house to pick up a bottle or two… of Chenin Blanc?

When I arrived home and handed my husband the bottle to open for us, he emerged from the kitchen and looked up at me confused,
“….but this is white wine?”
I nodded and then I flipped open my notes and read him everything I had learned about Chenin Blanc. We gulped our glasses down in delight. What a delicious wine!
- Where does it grow?
- What is it called?
- What is it like when dry?
- What is it like when off dry?
- What is it like when sweet?
Let’s take a look at some of those answers.
Growing Regions:
- South Africa (over 50%)
- France
- Argentina
- Australia
- California
- Okanagan

- Wet Stone (Minerality)
- Pear
- Ginger
- Jasmine
- Passion fruit
- Honey
- Almond
- Orange
- Mango

- Anjou
- Bonnezeaux
- Coteaux de l’Aubance
- Coteaux du Layon
- Crémant de Loire (Sparkling)
- Montlouis
- Quarts de Chaume
- Saumur
- Savennières
- Vouvray
You might find in South Africa Chenin Blanc is referred to as Steen.
Wines sure can have a lot of nicknames! Where do you enjoy your Chenin Blanc from?